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Camber's Happy Hump Day ~ Thoughts & News

Writer's picture: Camber HillCamber Hill

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

Numerology 1-9, 11, 22 and 33

As promised here is a look at characteristics of those whose birth date numbers equal out to a Seven (7) in Numerology. To recap the process of knowing your birth (sometimes referred to as your Life Path number), here's a birth date which boils down to a 7:

Eric Clapton was born on March 30, 1945: 03+30+1945 = 1978 = 25=7. The objective is to reduce the birthday equation down to the single digit between 1-9, except in the cases where when you boil it down and it comes to 11, 22, and 33 - this means this person is probably more complicated and may have a special mission.

Sevens: Serious, perfectionist, elegant, knowledgeable, solitary thinker, secretive, and skeptical. Here is a magical number in our world. In Christianity it took seven days to make the world. Seven is the magic number in gambling. Sevens are always searching for deeper understanding and love to analyze. Can’t accept things at face value and love facts and sizing up situations. Don’t try too hard to sway a seven. They’re not moving. Can seem distant, cold, or aloof to others. They ave fabulous taste in the finer things. Sevens also love to indulge in spiritual practices such as naturopathic healing, astrology, psychic healing and others. They attract money through their expertise. Can’t accept second best or imitations. Most people simply cannot read a seven. Very discerning in intimate relationships. May have hundreds of acquaintances, but a handful of real friends. Sevens will leave a crowded room to get home to their one-on-one partner where they are most comfortable. Must live in a quiet place, or live alone. They tend to be fussy about food and health products. Self-esteem is rooted in successful development of your ideas, more than in your emotional relationships.

Famous Sevens: Eric Clapton, Dr. Phil, JFK, Julia Roberts, Antonio Banderas, Katherine Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Melinda Gates, Princes Diana, Steven Halpern, Queen Elizabeth.


2. You Don't Fit In

Do you often feel like you don't fit in? Are you tired from the stress of pushing yourself so hard but still you just don't fit in, and this trying to fit-in is exhausting. Everyone around you seems to do it so easily. You blow it off with a big smile, but no one knows, you feel like a total imposter? It might be time you stop trying so hard to fit in, and start learning about being you 100% of the time. Easy for me to say...right!

Being who we really are is something we do little by little. You playfully discover one small part and then dig in and develop it; and bit by bit you start assembling your new self.

However, I tried for years to fit in and did a pretty good job at it. It was in my numerology work with great mind in the business, music, TV, radio, food, oil, law, sports and others where I learned many highly successful people felt the same way as I did, they didn't fit in.

For years I wanted to run a large corporation as CEO or , at least, somewhere in the C-suite. Having grown up in an area where everyone's dad was a VP or white-collar worker it's no wonder I adopted this theme. Then one day one of my dear friends at the time (who was successful at everything she touched) said to me, "Why are you pushing yourself so hard to build your professional resume when clearly you're a creative person!"

I could not believe my ears! Me a creative person? What a joke. I don't play guitar, act, draw, cut and color hair, and by god I I don't want to. Nonetheless, my psyche was cracked open by her insightful comment. This inspired a journey. I began to seek-out what being creative meant for me. Over time I found what I was looking for. It was something I was already doing and it was right in front of my face: writing. Writing poetry, journaling and letter writing... simple cathartic stuff. So, okay, there it is, now what do I do with it?

The next unexpected part of this puzzle came into my reality in a a few random, seemingly unconnected ,situations. My overall impression of the Long Beach Gay community was a lack of self -respect. I saw this as a city-wide issue and felt it was in need of some serious improvement. At breakfast one morning I mentioned my opinion to my boyfriend (at the time) his response was, "Why don't you go and do something about it?" At the time I was working for myself full time and thought it might be a good side kick to volunteer my time and talents to my community.

I walked into the LGBTQ Center and pitched doing some gratis seminars and they accepted. Along with it they thought I should talk to Caitlin Crest who was editor of the monthly magazine, The Center Post. Caitlin and I met for lunch and the rest is history. Cait asked if I'd be interested in writing a monthly column in order to promote the seminar series.

What!? Me a writer? You want me to write something strangers will read!?. Unfortunately, I had a secret. I'm grammatically challenged. Getting through a single paragraph without screwing up was gonna be horrible. I wanted to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment so I told Caitlin about my secret issue. She blew up all my excuses by holding my hand and offering to do all the editing. All I needed to do was come up with content for my monthly column called Get Fabulous. I was off and running and I still am running today; not away from who I want to be but to who I am evolving into. So you don't fit in? No...well thank God! Start by asking yourself some hard questions like WHO AM I? And simply listen for the first inklings of your own answers... Then put on your seatbelt because it's going to be a bumpy but fabulous ride.


3. ZEN- Ambition.

In this great big beautiful world finding peace when you're busting your ass is difficult. Ambitious people have a hard time making room in their brain for calm, but with calm comes incredible reach and resourcefulness.


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A New Workshop from Camber Hill Coaching

4. A Brand New Approach to Life: The Zen of Imperfection.

"Practice makes perfect"... but there's no such thing as "perfection"

- except that everything is perfect, even imperfection. Confused?

Join us for a fabulous dive into this thought provoking concept.

Saturday July 27 from 2:00-5:00 pm

Join us at this lovely and intimate venue for a wonderful time.

3910 Atlantic Ave, Long Beach, CA 90807

Tickets $35. At the door $40.

Pre-register at until midnight on Thursday, July 25th

Late registration may require floor sitting or BYOC.


Image of Camber Hill with red flowers behind
Camber Hill is here to help!

5. What Sets Me Apart from other Coaches?

Camberology is based on 3.5 decades of studying dynamic and successful people and the numbers associated with their birthdates. It's that simple.

Numerology/Camberology is fascinating tool which helps to access clients deeply entrenched personality system. As your life-coach, we dive into your emotional intelligence and intellectual capacities to help you taken steps to better understand this life and the people you have in yours. Visit today and book your private session face to face or on Zoom from wherever you are in the world.


My website, email, blog and content is under the editorial wings of Caitlin Crest, boss of Zephyr Graphics & Web Design.

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